Special Sessions are open for contributions.
Contributions can be either a 4-6 page paper in the IEEE style or a short abstract (1 page).
- Special session paper submission window: 15 January to
1 March10 March 2025 - Special session abstract submission window: 15 January to 1 April 2025
All papers/abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. Accepted abstracts will be included in the Conference Proceedings but will NOT be considered for inclusion in IEEE Xplore.
How to Submit a Contributed Abstract/Paper in a Special Session
To Submit an Abstract or Paper
Abstract / Paper should be submitted by a designated “Corresponding Author” with his/her PIN according to the steps below:
- Go to the Online Submission Site.
- Follow the link to “Submit a Contribution to NANO 2025” to the right of the NANO 2025 listing.
- Select one of the following as the type of submission.
- “Open Track Abstract” if submitting a one-page abstract, OR
- “Open Track Paper” if submitting a full paper (4-6 pages)
- Fill in the information about “Title, Authors*, Keywords, and Abstract” (NOTE: In order to classify the abstract to the preferred special session, use the open track code reported in the below table); and then continue to the next page.
- Upload your “Abstract”** or “Paper” in a PDF, MS-Word, or Latex (Note: The main.tex file should be called root.tex) Images must be in jpg or png format.
*NOTE regarding PINs for PaperCept: “Authors” should be entered through their PINs and every author must have a PIN. You may use this link to search your or someone else’s PIN
- If you have submitted papers to prior NANO conferences: You should have your PIN. You can retrieve your or co-authors’ existing PIN or set/reset your PASSWORD in the PIN Wizard at the submission site.
- If you have never submitted papers to NANO conferences: You should set your PIN and PASSWORD in the PIN Wizard at the submission site. The same should be done for the authors without PINs.
** NOTE: Authors should prepare their abstract using the abstract template.
To Update an Existing Submission
- Go to the Online Submission Site.
- Log in with your PIN and PASSWORD, and go to the author workspace for NANO 2025.
- Follow the link to “Update Submission Information” or to “Re-upload” the proposal file.
Open Track codes
Special Session Title | Organizers | Keywords | Open Track Code (for contributed submissions) |
Advances in Nano-Engineered Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion | Zheng Fan*, Zhan Yang (USA) | Nano-Energy, Environment, and Safety | gesnn |
Advancing Nanotechnology Through Collaborative Research: Highlights from NTC Chapters | Huamin Li* (USA) | Nanoelectronics; Nano-Optics, Nanophotonics, and Nano-Optoelectronics; AI for Nanotechnology | 646th |
Advancing Spintronic Technology with 2D Materials | Dustin Gilbert* (USA) | Nanomagnetics; Nanofabrication; Spintronics | 87q14 |
Cutting-Edge Nanotechnology in ocular applications | Yannis Paulus*, Jesse Jokerst (USA) | Nanobiomedicine; Nanomaterials; Nanofabrication | bwf83 |
Chiplets: The next Frontier in Semiconductor Innovation | Moitreyee Mukherjee-Roy*, Pedram Khalili Amiri (USA) | Heterogenous Integration and Chiplets | 17c9i |
Electro-Nanofliudics: Electron-Ion interactions in Bio-Nanoelectronic Systems | Anant Anantram, Jean-Pierre Leburton* (USA) | Modeling and Simulation; Nanoelectronics; Nanofabrication | 8wy62 |
Engineering Molecular Systems to Drive Advancements in Electronics | Mariagrazia Graziano* (Italy) | Nanoelectronics; Nanofabrication; Modeling and Simulation | 5675r |
From Spintronics to Devices-Current Topics in Nanomagnetism | Michelle Jamer* (USA) | Nanomagnetics; Spintronics | dty1m |
Low Dimensional Materials in Optoelectronics and Quantum Optics | Antonio Di Bartolomeo*, Nadia Martucciello, Filippo Giubileo (Italy) | Nano-Optics, Nanophotonics, and Nano-Optoelectronics; Nanoelectronics; Nanofabrication | 6e974 |
Molecular conductors: spin filtering and thermoelectric properties | Linda Angela Zotti*, Carlos Sabater (Spain) | Nanoelectronics; Spintronics; Modeling and Simulation | n9f98 |
Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies for Bio-interfaces | Luyao Lu* (USA) | Nanotechnology in Soft Electronics; Nanobiomedicine; Nanomaterials | ag896 |
Nanomaterials for photonics: challenges for sustainability and energy management | Renaud Bachelot* (France) | Nano-Optics, Nanophotonics, and Nano-Optoelectronics; Nanomaterials; Nanofabrication | 371gs |
Nanomaterials-based smart wearables | Wenzhuo Wu* (USA) | Nanomaterials; Nanoelectronics; Nanosensors and Nanoactuators | 1e2ya |
Nanopackaging for Future AI and 6G Solutions | Attila Bonyár*, James E Morris, Markondeyaraj Pulugurtha (Hungary) | Nanopackaging; Nanomaterials; Nanoelectronics | duic7 |
Nanotechnologies for Neuromorphic Computing | Gina Cristina Adam* (USA) | Quantum, Neuromorphic, and Unconventional Computing; Nanoelectronics; Heterogenous Integration and Chiplets | 11b5k |
Nanotechnology for Soft Electronics | Cunjiang Yu*, Yong Zhu (USA) | Nanotechnology in Soft Electronics; Nanoelectronics; Nanofabrication | 7pcek |
Neuromorphic photonics: materials, devices and integrated systems | Lan Fu*, Alan Wang (Australia) | Nano-Optics, Nanophotonics, and Nano-Optoelectronics; AI for Nanotechnology | 2427y |
Plasma Nanotechnology: Advancing Nanomaterials and Applications through Plasma Processes | Masaharu Shiratani* (Japan) | Emerging Plasma Nanotechnologies; Nanomaterials; Nanofabrication | t52by |
Selected Areas in Nano-Scale Communications: Networking and Information Exchange Among Nanothings | Lin Lin*, Dongliang Jing (China) | Nanoscale Communications; Modeling and Simulation | c996t |
Simulation of ferroelectric materials and devices | Roza Kotlyar*, Dmitri Nikonov (USA) | Modeling and Simulation; Nanoelectronics; Nanomaterials | c698u |
Three-dimensional Nanoarchitectures and Nanocomplexes | Vladimir M. Fomin*, Ashok Vaseashta, Alexander Edwards (Germany) | Nanoelectronics; Nanofabrication; Nanomaterials | 345xt |
Topological Materials for Electronics: Concepts to Applications | Antia Botana, Simon Vecchioni, Josh Hihath, Anant Anantram* (USA) | Nanomaterials; Nanoelectronics; Nano-Metrology and Characterization | xbfyk |
Topology Meets Magnetism: Unraveling Spin Textures in Quantum Materials | Dustin Gilbert* (USA) | Nanomagnetics; Nanomaterials; Spintronics | qemun |
Unconventional Computing for Nanotechnology | Giovanni Finocchio* (Italy) | Quantum, Neuromorphic, and Unconventional Computing | 81m96 |
yes, AI in Nanotechnology | Amandeep Kaur* (India) | AI for Nanotechnology; Nanorobotics and Nanomanufacturing; Quantum, Neuromorphic, and Unconventional Computing | 4nkxe |