Special Sessions: “Open-track” Abstract/Paper Submission

Special Sessions are open for contributions.

Contributions can be either a 4-6 page paper in the IEEE style or a short abstract (1 page).

  • Special session paper submission window: 15 January to 1 March 10 March 2025
  • Special session abstract submission window: 15 January to 1 April 2025


All papers/abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. Accepted abstracts will be included in the Conference Proceedings but will NOT be considered for inclusion in IEEE Xplore.

How to Submit a Contributed Abstract/Paper in a Special Session

To Submit an Abstract or Paper

Abstract / Paper should be submitted by a designated “Corresponding Author” with his/her PIN according to the steps below:

  1. Go to the Online Submission Site.
  2. Follow the link to “Submit a Contribution to NANO 2025” to the right of the NANO 2025 listing.
  3. Select one of the following as the type of submission.
    • Open Track Abstract” if submitting a one-page abstract, OR
    • Open Track Paper” if submitting a full paper (4-6 pages)
  4. Fill in the information about “Title, Authors*, Keywords, and Abstract” (NOTE: In order to classify the abstract to the preferred special session, use the open track code reported in the below table); and then continue to the next page.
  5. Upload your “Abstract”** or “Paper” in a PDF, MS-Word, or Latex (Note: The main.tex file should be called root.tex) Images must be in jpg or png format. 

*NOTE regarding PINs for PaperCept: “Authors” should be entered through their PINs and every author must have a PIN. You may use this link to search your or someone else’s PIN

  1. If you have submitted papers to prior NANO conferences: You should have your PIN. You can retrieve your or co-authors’ existing PIN or set/reset your PASSWORD in the PIN Wizard at the submission site.
  2. If you have never submitted papers to NANO conferences: You should set your PIN and PASSWORD in the PIN Wizard at the submission site. The same should be done for the authors without PINs.

** NOTE: Authors should prepare their abstract using the abstract template.

To Update an Existing Submission

  1. Go to the Online Submission Site.
  2. Log in with your PIN and PASSWORD, and go to the author workspace for NANO 2025.
  3. Follow the link to “Update Submission Information” or to “Re-upload” the proposal file.

Open Track codes

Special Session TitleOrganizersKeywordsOpen Track Code
(for contributed submissions)
Advances in Nano-Engineered Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion Zheng Fan*, Zhan Yang (USA)Nano-Energy, Environment, and Safety gesnn 
Advancing Nanotechnology Through Collaborative Research: Highlights from NTC Chapters Huamin Li* (USA) Nanoelectronics; Nano-Optics, Nanophotonics, and Nano-Optoelectronics; AI for Nanotechnology 646th 
Advancing Spintronic Technology with 2D Materials Dustin Gilbert* (USA)Nanomagnetics; Nanofabrication; Spintronics 87q14 
Cutting-Edge Nanotechnology in ocular applications Yannis Paulus*, Jesse Jokerst (USA)Nanobiomedicine; Nanomaterials; Nanofabrication bwf83 
Chiplets: The next Frontier in Semiconductor InnovationMoitreyee Mukherjee-Roy*, Pedram Khalili Amiri (USA)Heterogenous Integration and Chiplets 17c9i
Electro-Nanofliudics: Electron-Ion interactions in Bio-Nanoelectronic Systems Anant Anantram, Jean-Pierre Leburton* (USA) Modeling and Simulation; Nanoelectronics; Nanofabrication 8wy62 
Engineering Molecular Systems to Drive Advancements in Electronics Mariagrazia Graziano* (Italy)Nanoelectronics; Nanofabrication; Modeling and Simulation 5675r 
From Spintronics to Devices-Current Topics in Nanomagnetism Michelle Jamer* (USA) Nanomagnetics; Spintronics dty1m 
Low Dimensional Materials in Optoelectronics and Quantum OpticsAntonio Di Bartolomeo*, Nadia Martucciello, Filippo Giubileo (Italy)Nano-Optics, Nanophotonics, and Nano-Optoelectronics; Nanoelectronics; Nanofabrication 6e974 
Molecular conductors: spin filtering and thermoelectric properties Linda Angela Zotti*, Carlos Sabater (Spain) Nanoelectronics; Spintronics; Modeling and Simulation n9f98 
Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies for Bio-interfaces Luyao Lu* (USA) Nanotechnology in Soft Electronics; Nanobiomedicine; Nanomaterials ag896 
Nanomaterials for photonics: challenges for sustainability and energy management Renaud Bachelot* (France)Nano-Optics, Nanophotonics, and Nano-Optoelectronics; Nanomaterials; Nanofabrication 371gs 
Nanomaterials-based smart wearables Wenzhuo Wu* (USA)Nanomaterials; Nanoelectronics; Nanosensors and Nanoactuators 1e2ya 
Nanopackaging for Future AI and 6G Solutions Attila Bonyár*, James E Morris, Markondeyaraj Pulugurtha (Hungary) Nanopackaging; Nanomaterials; Nanoelectronics duic7 
Nanotechnologies for Neuromorphic Computing Gina Cristina Adam* (USA)Quantum, Neuromorphic, and Unconventional Computing; Nanoelectronics; Heterogenous Integration and Chiplets 11b5k 
Nanotechnology for Soft Electronics Cunjiang Yu*, Yong Zhu (USA)Nanotechnology in Soft Electronics; Nanoelectronics; Nanofabrication 7pcek 
Neuromorphic photonics: materials, devices and integrated systems Lan Fu*, Alan Wang (Australia) Nano-Optics, Nanophotonics, and Nano-Optoelectronics; AI for Nanotechnology 2427y 
Plasma Nanotechnology: Advancing Nanomaterials and Applications through Plasma Processes Masaharu Shiratani* (Japan) Emerging Plasma Nanotechnologies; Nanomaterials; Nanofabrication t52by 
Selected Areas in Nano-Scale Communications: Networking and Information Exchange Among Nanothings Lin Lin*, Dongliang Jing (China) Nanoscale Communications; Modeling and Simulation c996t 
Simulation of ferroelectric materials and devices Roza Kotlyar*, Dmitri Nikonov (USA)Modeling and Simulation; Nanoelectronics; Nanomaterials c698u 
Three-dimensional Nanoarchitectures and Nanocomplexes Vladimir M. Fomin*, Ashok Vaseashta, Alexander Edwards (Germany)Nanoelectronics; Nanofabrication; Nanomaterials 345xt 
Topological Materials for Electronics: Concepts to Applications Antia Botana, Simon Vecchioni, Josh Hihath, Anant Anantram* (USA) Nanomaterials; Nanoelectronics; Nano-Metrology and Characterization xbfyk 
Topology Meets Magnetism: Unraveling Spin Textures in Quantum Materials Dustin Gilbert* (USA)Nanomagnetics; Nanomaterials; Spintronics qemun 
Unconventional Computing for Nanotechnology Giovanni Finocchio* (Italy) Quantum, Neuromorphic, and Unconventional Computing 81m96 
yes, AI in Nanotechnology Amandeep Kaur* (India)AI for Nanotechnology; Nanorobotics and Nanomanufacturing; Quantum, Neuromorphic, and Unconventional Computing 4nkxe